YMCA offers water workout
Published 9:34 pm Monday, February 7, 2011

Water aerobic instructor Kelly Sue Giampetro, left, talks with some of her students just before the start of their Monday evening class at the Selma-Dallas County YMCA. The class meets three times each week beginning at 5:15 p.m. -- Tim Reeves
Outside the temperature does everything it can to get above 50 degrees. And, you would figure the last place anyone would want to be with such a chill in the air is a swimming pool.
Well, for about 10-20 people, that’s exactly where you will find them as they participate in one of three of the water aerobic courses offered by the Selma-Dallas County YMCA.
“Just because it’s in a pool doesn’t mean it’s not a good workout,” one of the instructors, Kelly Sue Giampietro said. “You are burning calories working through the resistance of the water.”
Giampietro, who has taught a water aerobics class for the YMCA since 1999, began teaching by just trying to help out.
“They didn’t have anyone else doing it,” Giampietro, who also works as a realtor with Cornerstone Realty, said. “So, I volunteered.”
The YMCA now offers three courses daily, two in the morning and one in the evening. The one hour courses offer an “exciting, no impact workout that you can alter to suit your personal needs,” a YMCA flyer says.
Giampietro said the course is not exactly no impact, but rather offers those participating the option of moving to deeper water if they want less impact.
“The more shallow you go, the more impact there is,” Giampietro, who is one of five water aerobic instructors, said. “The deeper you go, the less impact.”
She also said the program is open to those who don’t know how to swim because most of the participants simply stay in the shallow end of the pool.
The cost of participating is free to those who have YMCA memberships. The cost for a family membership is $60 per month, while a couples membership is $50 per month. The cost of an adult membership is $40 per month.
For more information on the YMCA, call 874-9622.