Special Section

Edgewood Elementary Letters to Santa

Dear Santa, My name is Kailyn. I am five years old. I thought you should know that I ...

Special Section

Brantley Elementary Letters to Santa

Dear Santa, My name is Antonio. I am five years old. I thought you should know that I ...

Selma Saints

Selma looking for new football coach

Selma City Schools is looking for a new football coach after head coach Leon Day has resigned. Interim ...


Smith catches all three targets in Alabama-Mississippi All-Star Game

Alabama’s All-Stars overcame eight lead changes Saturday and a heroic effort by Mississippi All-Stars quarterback Deuce Knight of ...


American Legion Post 324 hosts first-ever Spades Blowout

Days before Thanksgiving, a local veteran service organization known as The American Legion Post 324, hosted their first-ever ...


Holiday House open to bring in the Christmas holiday season  

The Selma-Dallas County Historical Preservation Society has opened its “Holiday House” once again for the holiday season, commemorating ...


GALLERY: Montgomery Ballet brings Nutcracker to Selma

The Montgomery Ballet performed an abbreviated version of Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker at Wallace Community College Selma on Sunday ...


Restoring Veterans Hope Organization hosts first Veterans Day parade

The Restoring Veterans Hope Organization is calling out community members to help them celebrate veterans through its first-ever ...


Hymn Sing-Along this Sunday at Old Cahawba Archaeological Park

The community is invited to sing the sweet old sounds of the church at HymnFest 24, an old-fashioned ...


Selma University holds official inauguration in honor of Angion’s Presidency 

By Faith Callens The Selma Times Journal For eight years, Stanford E. Angion has been a staple within ...


GALLERY: Wild Game Cook-Off attracts crowd

The Alabama Wildlife Federation Wild Game Cook-Off was held Thursday, in front of ArtsRevive. The event attracted a ...


Sprinkle Me Pink Walk looks for teams

Last year, Cynthia Perkins knew Selma needed to do something to raise breast cancer awareness and to the ...


Rising Mural Festival coming Saturday

MACAS will host its inaugural mural festival, Selma Rising, at Phoenix Park on Water Avenue Saturday, Oct. 19,  ...


Dock C. Morton 

September 27, 2024 Mr. Dock C. Morton, a resident of Sprott, passed Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. Funeral services ...


Terry L. Williams

September 26, 2024 Terry L. Williams, a resident of Marion, passed Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. Funeral services are ...

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