Children are our area’s greatest asset

Published 5:17 pm Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Dear Editor,

Now that elections are over, it’s time to step back and focus on how we can make our city a better place for all of us. We must put aside our differences and do what’s best for our city. Our children, who are the future of this city, deserve nothing less.

There are many things that make a city a good place to live. I believe a good, strong educational system rises to the top of the list. I also believe it is the responsibility of every citizen to make that happen. The school board and its administration must take the lead, followed by the city leaders and every citizen in the community. The Selma City School Board must be willing to meet with the city council whenever it is needed to seek their support and input.

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We must find a way to make the system work for every child in the city. A system that serves all children is one of the things that attract new people and major industry. A strong school system benefits everyone.

The educational system is one of the most important areas that businesses review as they decide where to place their operation. They want a system where their employees can send their children to get a good education and not segregated along racial lines. They want a system that is reflective of the makeup of the community. Selma, we need to ask ourselves how do we measure up to that statement.

In closing, I will simply repeat what I have said, let’s work together to make our community and school system the best it can be. It’s in our hands.

Joseph Bumbrey
