Selma Police Department incident reports for period ending May 3:
Published 8:10 pm Friday, May 4, 2018
Shots fired no victim reported on Lauderdale Street
Shots fired no victim reported on the 900 block of 2nd Avenue
Residential fire reported on 6th Avenue
Fight in progress reported on the 1200 block of Woodrow Avenue
Assault in progress reported on the 2000 block of Eugene Avenue
Harassment already occurred reported on Union Street
Criminal mischief already occurred reported on the 1400 block of Tremont Street
Suspicious person check out reported on J. L. Chestnut
Fight in progress reported on the 200 block of Alabama Avenue
Suspicious person check out reported on the 200 block of Broad Street
Suspicious person check out reported on the 400 block of Woodrow Avenue
Suspicious person check out reported on Church Street
Burglary already occurred reported on the 1800 block of Green Street
Theft already occurred reported on the 1200 block of Woodrow Avenue
Burglary already occurred reported on the 300 block of Gaines Avenue
Shots fired no victim reported on YMCA Drive
Harassment already occurred reported on the 400 block of Martin Luther King Street
Fight in progress reported on the 200 block of Furniss Avenue
Suspicious vehicle check out reported on the 200 block of Alabama Avenue
Assault already occurred reported on Twilley Avenue
Fight in progress reported on the 2000 block of W. Highland Avenue
Mental person or pickup reported on the 400 block of Medical Center Parkway
Harassment in progress reported on the 1700 block of 1st Avenue
Harassment in progress reported on the 200 block of Lamar Avenue
Shooting with victim reported on the 1000 block of Medical Center Parkway
Shots fired no victim reported on the 2100 block of Church Street