Word of Jesus can save Selma
Published 8:51 pm Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Dear Editor,
Yesterday, I picked up our local newspaper, and it read in big bold letters “arrest made,” and a week ago I felt the word of God and his love all around Selma. Why, because Selma today has become a violent place to live, and I wonder how did we get here to this point where you can’t walk the street in peace, love and happiness without being afraid or someone carrying a gun, and I ask has our little town become this ruthless and cold where people can’t be trusted.
Then, I began to think, ‘God, how can we get back to you? What can be done to turn our people back to you,’ and immediately the thought of God’s word is sufficient, so I began to read and look up scriptures of God’s word, and John 13:34. “Love ye one another” stood out so plain and clear to me. I began to think we need to spread the word around town with pamphlets, signs “Love ye one another” with the word of mouth, with our local newspaper. When we pick it up daily it should read God’s word on every page front and center. A word from God can turn away evil thoughts, evil doing, robbing, killing, stealing, and it just might save someone’s life from committing suicide.
So, I took my thoughts and my idea down to our local newspaper, and he said write me a letter as of why I think the word of God would be important enough to put on the front page of our paper. I said give God the front page. He can and will save. I know that it’s not a Bible study. I know it’s a newspaper, but what better news to tell than good news that Jesus saves, Jesus loves you, love ye one another. God says keep my commandment, trust God, love thy neighbors as thyself, do not steal, do not kill, read your Bible and so on.
I feel what better way to spread God’s love all around than the newspaper front page because some people might just pick up the newspaper and don’t have a Bible. Then, just maybe we won’t see any robbing, stealing and killing, but we see love, crime rate down and our town growing and prospering. I think it is better than seeing someone killed this person or robbing that person, and by putting the word of God in front it will turn Selma around along with all of the people in Selma speaking and teaching the word of God on every corner, in every store, at home spreading God’s word for God says if I be lifted up I will draw all men to me. Let’s stop leaving God out for we can’t do anything without him.
He’s got the plan. “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face an turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land,” II Chronicles 7:14. You see, if we leave god out we can’t do it alone.
It’s time to lift Jesus up. Let’s take them to church, and what I mean by take them to church: life Jesus up. Luke 14:23 says, “God says go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in that my house may be filled,” in word, thought and deed and watch him work things out for Selma. It’s time for Selma to move forward with good paying jobs for our working people. Ecclesiastes 3B; a time to tear down and a time to build up; let’s build new businesses, a peaceful new Selma and let’s move Selma to one of the best places to live.
Angelita M. Simmons