Keith right choice for voters in ward 2

Published 10:23 pm Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The citizens of Ward 2 would do well to re-elect Susan Keith as our councilperson. Susan has established a long history of forward-thinking leadership.

Because of Susan and her willingness and ability to pursue things that will help solve issues in our community, we have a shelter and program for women and children who are victims of family violence; a child advocacy center that helps children who suffer abuse of the worst kind; a multi jurisdictional drug task force; a violent crime task force; a specialized court for parents with addiction issues, and a plan for a boardwalk, pier and boatdock on the Alabama River right below Water Avenue.

Because of her efforts, we have a much improved animal shelter, safer and cleaning procedures in place and volunteer agencies receiving clearance to operate rescue and rehabilitation programs.

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Hundreds of animals that would have been euthanized for space have been saved and transported or adopted to loving homes. She established a recycling program, which she is working on a plan to permanently reimplement, and other things we know nothng about. These are all things Susan initiated, developed and either implemented or laid the foundation for their implementation. There are many other things that she has led the charge and/or worked on to get into motion.

There have been several prospects of improvement for the community and city that Susan has been unable to get off the ground. Sometimes she thinks farther ahead than some are comfortable.

Susan has taken advantage of every opportunity to learn more about serve to the community and improving our quality of life.

She is a staunch supporter of our public safety personnel, our businesspeople and our citizens.

She has wonderful ideas in place to help facilitate unity in our community and offering opportunities for everyone, including our children.

She is currently working to help educate those who teach and advise our children about opportunities that they may be currently unaware. Susan also wants to work with the school board and schools to implement a program that fosters leadership in all of our children and encourages unity and retainment of all children in public schools.

Susan is well-aware of the duties of the city council members. She is willing to go over and above in an effort to get things done. She has served Selma well.

She has served her people well. Susan doesn’t deserve to go back in so much as we in Ward 2 deserve for her to go back in office. We need Susan’s knowledge, her experience and her proven leadership working for us.

Vote for Susan Keith on Aug. 23 at the YMCA.


Sandy Greene
