Vigil will remember slain teen

Published 10:47 pm Monday, December 14, 2015

Joann Hunter has felt the support of the community since her daughter Alexis Hunter was killed nearly two years ago.

Hunter and her family will hold a prayer vigil at the Selma High School tennis courts Saturday at 3 p.m. to remember Alexis, who was shot and killed on Dec. 21, 2013.

Hunter’s hope is that people can come together to not only mourn but work toward and pray for a brighter future where senseless acts of violence don’t occur.

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Hunter said she knows there are others in the Selma community who have endured something similar to what she has gone through. She encourages all of those families to join her on Saturday.

“It helps knowing people care, knowing that they are concerned,” Hunter said. “Other people are going through the same thing that I’m going through. It lets me know that they are with me and I am with them.”

It’s been almost two years, but Hunter said she never stops thinking about her daughter.

“It’s still on my mind 24/7. It’s been a rough time and it just takes prayer to get through and have family and friends’ support,” Hunter said.

The two teenagers suspected of killing Alexis are expected to go to trial this spring. Hunter said she will never fully recover from losing her child, but seeing the men who killed her daughter put to justice will certainly make her feel better.

“It’s very important,” Hunter said. “It will never be closure, but it would ease the pain. It’s something that you never get over. Losing a child is something that you’re never going to get over.”

While Hunter encourages the community to come out and support her and her family, she said the prayer vigil is about more than Alexis.

She hopes that all families who have lost a loved one can pray, mourn and feel comfort in the support of the people around them all while trying to put an end to senseless violence.

“Not only for us, but I would like justice for other family members who have lost their loved ones,” Hunter said. “I’m asking if you’ve lost a loved one, come out and join us to support the cause.”

About Justin Fedich

Staff writer for The Selma Times-Journal.

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