Veterans Day to be celebrated at Memorial Stadium
Published 11:19 pm Monday, November 9, 2015
Dear Edition and Citizens,
Veterans Day, the annual time for remembering the end of World War and the brave Americans who served in the “war to end all wars,” also draws from the headlines of the day.
What we now call “Veterans Day” began as “Armistice Day.” It is historically significant that this day continue to be observed on the month, day, and hour that the guns fell silent in World War I at 11 a.m., Nov 11, 1918. While the day has strong historical roots, current events continue to add meaning to the day.
Today thousands of Americans are serving in uniform. They sacrifice in the war on terror and in hundreds of locations around the globe so we may remain free. They, too, are veterans.
To mark Veterans Day in Selma and Dallas County Selma American Legion Post 20 will host the Annual Veterans Day program at Memorial Stadium at 11 a.m. Major General Walter D. Givhan, (USAF, Retired) will be the guest speaker. General Givhan, a native of Safford, now serves as the Senior Vice Chancellor for Advancement and Economic Development at Troy University.
This Veterans Day we are honored to have Mr. Dale Barnett, National Commander of The American Legion, the nation’s largest wartime veterans organization visit Selma. Commander Barnett will place wreaths at Memorial Stadium, and at the Legion Memorial in New Live Oak Cemetery. He will also visit the Lt. John Tillman Melvin memorial on Water Avenue and receive a tour of Brown Chapel Church.
At 4 p.m. Commander Barnett will be joined by Selma Mayor George Evans, other elected officials, and registered participants for a “Walk for Veterans” through downtown Selma covering about one mile in distance. This is the first such walk in Alabama. The purpose of the walk is to:
Bring attention to the many great services the Legion provides, such as advocacy for veterans benefits, job fairs and family support through Temporary Financial Assistance.
Promote and raise funds for Legion charities, such as National Emergency Fund (Barnett’s fundraiser during his term as commander), Operation Comfort Warriors and Legacy Scholarship Fund.
Remind employers that the best way to thank a veteran for his or her service is to hire them.
Highlight the Four Pillars of the Legion. Showcase the Legion’s many premiere youth programs, such as Boys State, Boys Nation, Oratorical Contest and Legion Baseball.
Bring attention to veterans who served their country and paid the ultimate sacrifice.
Registration will begin at 1:30 p.m. at Song of Selma Park. The registration fee is $20 and will benefit American Legion programs. All registered participants will receive a “Walk for Veterans” t-shirt. Aubie, the Auburn University mascot will be on hand to assist with registration. Each of us have family members or friends currently serving in our military or who served in the past. Your participation in the “Walk for Veterans” will be a great way for you to honor their service and show that Selma supports veterans. Bring the entire family and come show your support for America’s veterans.
We look forward to seeing you at all of the events on Veterans Day. Thank you for your support
James Edwards
Commander Post 20
Benson Webb
Commandeer Post 324