Letter expresses excitement about Selma City Schools
Published 8:23 pm Thursday, August 13, 2015
Dear editor,
Just wanted to say there is excitement in the air surrounding the Selma City Schools!
So thankful to have Dr. Angela Mangum at the helm and see and feel the hope from students and others connected with the system.
Hearing and reading about the Hydrate program coming soon was neat, and I am thankful for all the efforts that went into bringing it here.
That’s all for now! Let’s stay tuned and see what we can do as adults with a love for our city to encourage educators and students. It is time we thought about coming together and doing this!
Dr. Mangum and Hydrate and the beginning of a new school year are reasons to help bring hope here.
Thank you, Selma and Valley Grande and Dallas County. Let’s work together to see what the future holds for us all!
Gail Box Ingram
Valley Grande