Opening day prep ongoing for city league
Published 6:05 pm Wednesday, March 4, 2015

It won’t be long before the city of Selma’s recreation department’s baseball and sofbtall seasons get underway. Opening day will be April 10-11, but Lebo Jones, director of the city’s baseball and softball leagues, said there’s plenty of work still to be done. Teams are currently being drafted for baseball and softball.–Daniel Evans
Baseball and softball opening day is still over a month away for the Selma Recreation Department, but there’s plenty to be done.
Lebo Jones, who oversees the department’s baseball and softball programs, said between 600-700 players have signed up, which is around the number they have seen the last few years. Coaches are currently drafting baseball teams and softball drafts will take place next week.
“Right now we are dividing up the teams and getting their shirt sizes,” Jones said. “Once that’s done, in a couple of weeks, we will start working on the schedules and figuring out what field will play on and when. The hard work is really just beginning.
Once the season starts it’s not real bad, but just getting to that point is a real hectic time of the year.”
Opening day starts Friday, April 10 and continues through that Saturday. Jones said the recreation department said any players that want to sign up at this point would have to be added to a waiting list.
“We would get them to fill out their card and bring a birth certificate and if they do get placed on a team, we will call them and they can come in and pay their $10 [registration fee],” Jones said.
He said he’s usually scrambling to find coaches this time of year, but at this point he said he has all of his head coaches in places. The department is always looking for assistant coaches who might want to help out.
Last season was plagued by bad weather, but Jones is hoping Mother Nature will get all of the rain out of her system before the 2015 season gets started.
“I hope this crazy weather gets out of here by the time the season starts,” Jones said.
For more information about the upcoming season or any questions, call the recreation department at 874-2140.