It’s time to put personal politics aside
Published 7:20 pm Saturday, December 8, 2012
By Byrd Looper
Selma, Alabama
Dear Mr. President:
I have not written recently due to my being extremely despondent over the election results. What you have done to our once great country with your many failed policies and your desire for a socialistic system has placed America in very grave circumstances.
Under your leadership, we seem to be always faced with one serious crisis after another. Currently, it is the threat of our going over the “fiscal cliff” by your not extending the Bush tax cuts, your threat of higher taxes for the wealthy and the extension of the national debt limit. You have looked the other way, namely involving the situation in Benghazi where four Americans were murdered by terrorists.
As many have pointed out, higher taxes for the rich would hardly dent our huge $16 trillion debt. The only real answer: cut spending in all areas and reduce taxes.
As I have said often, when you tax the wealthy, you are dealing with those who create jobs. Your policies have added to the unemployed levels. Do you care? Shame, cut out the pork.
Your plan to cut military spending is outrageous. Under your leadership, more Middle Eastern enemies have sprung up, namely Egypt and Syria and Palestine, another adversary, is now claiming Jerusalem as its capitol. Israel needs our total support more than ever. Are they getting it?
Your activities in your first term were all about your personal politics and not were in the best interest of the American people. The prime example was your pushing your ObamaCare program rather than working on the jobs problem and our huge deficits. ObamaCare will cost more and provide less quality medical care.
Doctors are very concerned, with many leaving their profession.
Mr. President, the American people expect you to provide maximum national security along with an effective plan to reduce our huge national debt. It is time for you to put personal politics aside and govern for all of our citizens.