Keep beautifying Downtown Selma
Published 7:08 pm Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Dear editor,
When I came back into town this afternoon, I was looking at the Pilcher-McBryde building and wondering how it will look when they complete their facelift. It is great to see that work being done. Since the Carter Drug Co. building was made to shine several years ago, it will be nice to see the anchor on the other end of the block looking good. That is an important step. Now something must be done with the Tepper’s building. It is an eyesore to our downtown area. I think about it whenever Channel 12 talks about the weather and mentions their camera atop the Tepper’s building in downtown Selma. As a young man growing up here, I and my family enjoyed shopping in Tepper’s and in Kayser’s. They were very nice stores that along with several others made downtown Selma a vibrant place. Unfortunately, now we have a blighted downtown area that needs a lot of help.
Thank goodness for Buddy Swift and his family who continue to be an anchor between Kayser’s and the old YMCA. He has expressed very well his concerns about the buildings around him and the need for something to be done. All of us hope something can be done for the “Y.” It is a difficult challenge, but a few more attractive store fronts on Broad Street would do a lot to help us attract the tourists that we know are out there and have an interest in coming to see what we have to offer.
I appreciate what Mayor Evans and the city leaders are doing to make our town a better place to live, work and raise our families. I have always been a great believer in the importance of Main Street. Let’s pull together in our community and help get the work done to make Selma an attractive destination as plans are made to celebrate our 200th anniversary in 2020.
Ted M. Henry