Barbecue sale to help with medical bills

Published 7:36 pm Wednesday, December 28, 2011

In January, residents of Dallas and Chilton counties will have the opportunity to enjoy good food for a great cause during a barbecue fundraiser for Clanton resident Karli Chadwick.

A Boston Butt sale will take place Saturday, Jan. 14 to raise money for Chadwick, who is in need of a kidney transplant.

Kelly Fox, who is heading up the effort, said she could sympathize with the Chadwick’s needs because she lost her father while he was awaiting a transplant.

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“Her mother Kelly and I are friends, and Karli has been sick since she was 3,” she said. “This is her second kidney transplant. We have wanted to help Karli because my father died waiting on a lung transplant, and never got one. I felt a special bond when I met Kelly and found out Karli’s needs.”

Once the families met, Fox said they discussed the financial toll the Chadiwcks have suffered trying to care for their daughter. From there, Fox said she began thinking of a way to help.

“One thing led to another, we got closer as friends and my husband’s favorite hobby is cooking,” she said. “He is going to cook the Boston Butts for us to raise money to pay for the medical bills.”

Karli’e medication costs $40,000 each time it is administered, which is currently twice a week. Karli was recently hospitalized for two months, and her mother lost her job because she wanted to be by her side.

The Chadwicks also discovered some procedures and medication are not covered by their insurance. Fox said even if insurance pays some of the bills there will still be many expenses left for the family.

“Even if insurance does end up paying for part of it they still have tons of expenses,” she said. “We are trying to help them with as much of the expenses they have come across as we can.”

The goal for the Boston Butt sale is 200. Fox said tickets can be purchased at the Highland Avenue BP, or by calling her at 875-6763.

On the day of the fundraiser, Jan. 14, the Boston Butts can be picked up from 12 to 12:30 at Northside Baptist Church and 2 to 2:30 p.m. at Dollar General in Maplesville.

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