Legion stew sale another success

Published 9:16 pm Monday, February 21, 2011

American Legion Post 20 concluded another successful Brunswick stew sale Monday.

An estimated 110 gallons of the stew has been sold, capping the Legion’s capacity for orders.

Money from the sale, past commander Jesse Sanchez said, will help the youth of Selma pursue educational opportunities.

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“We have two $500 scholarships to Wallace Community College and we usually send three people to Boys State and Girls State,” he said.

In the past, the Legion has also used money to send students to oratorical contests.

When the stew is picked up and the money is collected, Sanchez said they should collect around $1,500.

This money, legion member Byrd Looper said, always goes toward positive programs.

“This fundraiser has money going to really appropriate places,” he said.

Sanchez said in addition to helping young people, the post also tries to use the money to help other veterans.

“We also try to do whatever we possibly can to support our veterans locally and in Montgomery and in the hospitals,” he said.

Orders can be picked up Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Legion’s building on U.S. Highway 80 West.

With the fundraiser complete, Looper and Sanchez said Post 20 is now turning its attention toward recruitment. Currently, Looper said the post averages about 25 to 30 members per meeting.

He said they would like to see those numbers grow. The meetings, he said, are always entertaining and informative.

“We have a really good program,” he said. “Usually we have a speaker several times a year and we also have some pretty good meals.”

And, unlike other posts, members do not have to have served in foreign wars. They just have to have served in a branch of the military.

Meetings are the second Thursday of each month with dinner. Usually around 6 p.m.

The Legion is not limited to men. Sanchez said there are about 10 to 12 female members.

For more information about the Legion, contact Sanchez at 872-3331 or (334) 590-2982.