Let someone else take out the trash
Published 6:47 pm Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Outsourcing the city’s garbage collection should stand as a no-brainer.
The trucks are shot. The city’s voters just passed a $12 million bond issue. In that bond issue was an item that would see a new garbage truck purchased.
But why?
The Selma City Council Public Works Committee has talked about this time and again. The council has heard from at least one interested party, who said he’d do the job for about $1 more than folks are paying now. Additionally, he’d offer a little better service than we get for our own tax dollars. If people didn’t pay him, he’d cut them off.
The city is carrying heavy chits from residents, present and past, who did not pay their garbage bills. Attempts to clear up the red ink have failed.
Time is money, especially in this case.
The city needs to put the garbage collection service up for bids and award it to the lowest and best. The emphasis should be on the best here.
To waste any more time pondering the garbage issue is almost criminal.
Advertise. Take the bids. Award them.