Keeping Selma clean is a responsibility for all of us

Published 10:22 pm Monday, September 22, 2014

Keeping Selma clean is a responsibility for all of us

We could all learn a few lessons from Divelbiss, who picked up nearly 11,000 gallons of trash in and around her community. Driving around town, we all see the litter around town. After all, every city has people, meaning every city has litter.

But most of us just walk right by it, instead of simply bending over and picking up a piece of trash here and there.

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Most of us probably think the same thing — that we didn’t do the littering, so it isn’t our job to pick up the litter.

But, that way of thinking is wrong.

This is our community, so keeping the community beautiful is a problem we all should take on together.

Divelbiss took that approach and took the problem into her own hands. The impact she has made on her community will sadly go unnoticed by many, but it shouldn’t.

Imagine if we all took that initiative.

Nobody is asking you to pick up the 10,998 gallons of trash that Divelbiss collected — an amazing total that is hard to imagine — but we are asking that everyone does their part. If you see a piece of litter on a stroll around town, do the right thing and bend down and pick it up.

It’s not hard and it doesn’t take much time, but it will make a lasting impact on our community. And if someone sees you doing it, they’ll be more inclined to do the same thing.

Litter is a problem we are always going to have as a community, but we can keep it under control if we all do our part. After all, Selma is nothing more than the makeup of its community, and this community should do its part and make an effort to keep our city beautiful.