Southside valedictorian reaches goal

Published 10:15 am Wednesday, May 22, 2024

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Four years ago, Jamiya Edwards set a goal to become valedictorian at Southside High School.

Edwards’ dream came true Monday, leading the Southside Class of 2024. Forty-nine seniors received their diplomas at Panther Stadium. Daviyah Crawford-English was named salutatorian. 

Edwards, who will attend the University of Alabama, said she worked hard to achieve the goal. She will major in psychology and minor in education at the Capstone.

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“Being named valedictorian was important to me because I worked on this for four years,” Edwards said. “It feels wonderful that I was able to make it happen.”

Finishing as the second-best student came as a shock to Crawford-English, who will attend Alabama State University. Crawford-English will major in pre-health/biology.

“It was unexpected, I didn’t expect to be named salutatorian,” Crawford-English said. “Being the class salutatorian is a big honor and I feel blessed. I came from nothing and to finish as the salutatorian is a big blessing.”

Edwards said she will never forget attending Southside, learning a few lessons on the four-year journey. She said Southside will always be part of her.

“I had a lot of support from the people at Southside,” Edwards said. “Southside will always have my back.”