Time really doesn’t change

Published 4:44 am Monday, November 13, 2023

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By Dean Kelly

Minister, Highland Home Church of Christ

On Sunday morning at 2 a.m. we “gained an hour.” We moved from “Daylight Savings Time” to “Standard Time”. But did we really gain anything?

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Each day still has 86,400 seconds which make up 1,440 minutes which will constitute 24 hours. Granted, we supposedly gain an hour in the fall, but we lose it back in the spring. 

Time really doesn’t change. Our perception changes, our clock changes, but it really does not change anything.

And each of those 86,400 seconds is life being spent. As long as we walk the paths of this earth’s existence, we are spending those seconds of life. 

The seconds, minutes, and hours grow together to make a day. Days grow into weeks and weeks into months. Months become years, and years become decades. 

Then eventually for all of us, time will have run its course. We will step through the vail into eternity where time no longer exists.

The Apostle Paul writes, “15 – See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, 16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15-16). 

The word translated “redeeming” “generally means to buy up, to buy all that is anywhere to be bought, and not to allow the suitable moment to pass by unheeded but to make it one’s own” (CWSB Online Dictionary).

It is a fact that every person has the same amount of time as every other person has. What makes us different is how each of us uses it. How do we prioritize those seconds of our lives? Work, family, recreation, what is the order of the priorities in our lives?

While we all make our own choices, one choice should reign supreme – we need to choose to make God the center of our lives. Moments spent at the cross are always moments spent so well.