The Bicentennial Bookshelf coming to Dallas County

Published 7:12 pm Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The University of Alabama Center for Economic Development (UACED), The University of Alabama School of Library and Information Studies and the Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES) are joining forces for their Bicentennial Bookshelf program.

The event is a part of the three-year celebration of Alabama’s 200th Bicentennial birthday.

This September, schools throughout the Black Belt will have sets of books placed in their libraries. The Black Belt region of Alabama includes thirteen counties.

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This region includes: Bullock, Butler, Choctaw, Dallas, Greene, Hale, Lowndes, Macon, Marengo, Perry, Pickens, Sumter and Wilcox Counties.   

Each of the books are written about Alabama or written by Alabama natives.  They were chosen by the staff of UACED with assistance from The University of Alabama School of Library and Information Studies.

The Dallas County schools receiving the book shelfs include Martin Middle, Tipton Durant Middle and Keith Middle and High Schools.


Selma and Dallas County Chamber of Commerce executive director, Sheryl Smedley said it is great to see Selma and Dallas County recognized.


“I think it’s great,” Smedley said. “History is one of our strong characteristics. It’s also representing one of our very own authors.”

The bookshelf will include a total of 13 books, and of one those books will be 13 Alabama Ghosts and Jeffrey. The book was written by the late Kathryn Tucker Windham, a Selma native.

For more information about the book campaign please contact Candace Johnson at 205-348-8338 or