Selma School Board discusses 2019 fiscal budget

Published 5:05 pm Monday, September 10, 2018

The Selma City School System’s next fiscal year budget shows unit decreases across the board.

At their budget hearing last week, Chief School Financial Officer (CSFO) Grindal Harris presented the proposed budget for the 2018-2019 fiscal year.

Harris said the average daily membership (ADM) decreased by 219.80 units. That means that 219 students have left the school system, according to the budget presentation.

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All unit numbers and dollar amounts are estimated, according to Harris.

Teacher units decreased by 12.98, principal units decreased by one unit, assistant principals decreased by 0.50 units, counselor units decreased by one and librarians and media units decreased by 1.50 units.

When breaking down to the different schools, Byrd First Class Learning Center will have 27.25 units, Cedar Park Elementary will have 22.05 units, Clark Elementary will have 36.76 units, Kingston will have 19.56 units, School of Discovery will have 26.39 units, Edgewood Elementary will have 33.83 units, Knox Elementary will have 23.59 units, Meadowview Elementary will have 26.91 units, Payne Elementary will have 25.13 units, R.B. Hudson Middle School will have 52.49 units, Selma High School will have 84.04 units and the central office will have 32 units.

In total, Harris said there will be 410 full-time employees in the school system.

Total revenue also has dropped going into the next fiscal year.

In Fiscal Year 2018, the revenue total was $33,746,660.06. In Fiscal Year 2019, the estimated total revenue is $32,897,156.35, which is an $849,503.70 difference.

The state revenue makes up the highest portion of the school system’s revenue with 61 percent of the total revenue.

The state’s revenue amount for the 2019 year is projected to be $20,150,093.17 which is a $932,127.90 difference from the 2018 year, which is $21,082,221.

Federal revenue has increased to a projected $6,661,427 compared to $6,492,725 in the 2018 fiscal year. That is a $168,702 increase.

In local revenue, there is a slight decrease from the current fiscal year from $5,898,419.29 to an estimated $5,818,513.23 in the 2019 fiscal year. That is a $79,906.06 decrease.

Revenue listed as other has decreased as well from $273,294.77 in 2018 to an estimated $267,122.95. That is a $6,171.82 difference.

In expenditures, the Selma City School system has managed to decrease their expenditures compared to the current fiscal year.

In the fiscal year 2018, the total expenditure is $33,998,669.50 compared to the estimated 2019 fiscal year expenditure total, which is $33,537,602.49. This is a $461,067.10 difference.

The estimated expenditures are $25,136,448.66 for salaries and benefits, $3,698,327.73 for purchased services, $3,025,098.42 for materials and supplies, $26,644.59 for capital outlay, $167,405.50 for what is labeled as “other objects” and $1,483,662.59 is allotted for an entry labeled as “other fund uses.”

The anticipated beginning balance for the budget is projected to be $12,867,922.26 with an ending balance on Sept. 30, 2019, projected to be $12,660,977.10.

There will be another budget hearing Tuesday, Sept. 11 beginning at 5 p.m. at the Selma High School Media Center.

The budget hearing will be followed by the school board’s regularly scheduled meeting.