Dallas County monthly siren testing gets underway Tuesday
Published 7:50 pm Monday, September 3, 2018
The Dallas County Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency will have its regularly scheduled emergency outdoor warning sirens test at 10 a.m. Sept. 4.
The testing of the sirens is necessary to ensure all systems work properly, according to Dallas County DHS/EMA Director Toya Stiles.
Unless severe weather threatens the area, the test will continue on the first Tuesday of each month between 10 and 10:15 a.m.
The sirens are designed to be audible to people outdoors. A weather radio should also be used inside the home to alert residents in the event of severe weather.
Residents aren’t expected to take action in conjunction with the testing. All of the sirens are repaired and should sound during testing.
Barring severe weather in the area, siren testing will take place the first Tuesday each month between 10 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. If severe weather falls on the test date, the test will be held the following Wednesday.
Emergency sirens are placed in 19 locations throughout the county.
If residents can’t hear sirens in their respective areas, they should call the Dallas County DHS/EMA at (334) 874-2515.