Valley Grande City Council establishes Business License Code
Published 9:51 pm Wednesday, August 1, 2018
The city of Valley Grande recently set its business license code for next year.
The city council unanimously passed at its last council meeting and officially becomes effective on Jan. 1.
“It’s based on gross receipt, it’s no longer a flat rate,” Valley Grande City Clerk Janet Frazier said. “We compared the code to other cities our size.”
Anyone getting a business license before July 1 must pay a fee of $100. Anyone who gets a business license on or after July 1 will pay only $50. There is also a $12 fee for each business license issued. All of the fees are due upon getting a license. A delivery license is another option that can also be purchased for $100 plus the license fee.
The business license is renewed each year on or before Jan. 31. A renewal remainder is mailed out to each licensee on or before Dec. 31.
If the due date for any payment falls on a weekend or holiday, the due date will automatically be extended until the next business day.
No license can be transferred without the consent of the Valley Grande Council.
All licenses not paid within 30 days from the due date will be increased by 15 percent for the first 30 days they will be declared delinquent and charged another 15 percent for a delinquency of 60 or more days.
The provision will be not deemed to authorize the delay of 30 days, which the payment the license is due.
Valley Grande officials warn that it’s illegal to do business without a license. The fine is $500 for each offense.
The business licensee must be posted in a place where it can be seen. It is also the licensee’s duty to file a report of sales, gross receipts, gross sales, stock, capital invested, number of employees and value of furniture.
The business licensee must allow the municipality to inspect and review records, show purchases and provide tax information, bank statements, copies of sales tax returns to the state of Alabama, copies of income tax returns and federal income tax returns.