AKA’s present scholarships
Published 9:49 pm Saturday, May 26, 2018
- Ashunté Pettus, Jyra Harrison, Tameria Arrington, Kendra Angion, Shelby Nemo and Eddriona Miree were awarded scholarships from members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (AKA), Zeta Eta Omega Chapter Thursday evening.
The members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (AKA), Zeta Eta Omega Chapter were delighted to honor the graduating seniors of the Culturama Club with a scholarship reception on Thursday, at the Women and Youth Service Center.
Delectable hors d’oeuvres were served to the proud parents and the winners of 2018 scholarships which amounted to more than $14,000. The Senior Culturama Club is one of the chapter’s four mentoring groups that was organized in l972 and has annually awarded thousands of dollars to local high school graduates.
Dr. Willietta Conner, the Culturama senior advisor praised the young ladies for their academic accomplishments. Dr. Tanya Miles, chairman of the Scholarship Committee challenged the winners before awarded the scholarship money. “Congratulations! You are all winners and leaders,” she said. “ There is leadership potential in each of you just waiting to be discovered! Go for it and use this scholarship check to help you become that destined leader.”
Tameria Arrington, a graduate of Francis Marion High School (Perry County), received $5,200. Arrington plans to attend Jackson State University and major in Biology.
Kendra Angion, a graduate of Dallas County High School, received $3,300. She plans to attend Alabama State University and major in Secondary Education with a concentration in English.
Jyra Harrison, a graduate of Selma High School, rerceived $3,300. Harrison plans to attend Alabama State University and major in Forensic Science.
Shelby Nemo, a graduate of Selma High School received $1,200. Nemo plans to attend Troy University and major in Nursing.
Ashunte Pettus, a graduate of Southside High School, received $300. She plans to attend the University of Alabama and majoring in Engineering.
Eddrionna Miree, a graudate of Selma High School, received $275. Miree plans to attend Stillman College and major in Biology for Dentistry.
Destiny Hardy, a graduate of Southside High School, received $50. She plans to attend University of South Alabam and major in Chemical Engineering
Alpha Kappa Alpha Also awarded two Community Scholarships to Selma High graduate Redderick Rutledge ($500) and Central High School (Lowndes County) graduate Carlesia Medluck ($500).
The Scholarship Reception was an enjoyable event as members of Alpha Kappa Alpha congratulated the winners. Dr. Victoria Calhoun, presented the winners with a challenge, encouraging them to always do their best and to follow their dream and reach for the stars!