Series of classes focus on heirs property
Published 8:33 pm Tuesday, December 26, 2017
By ONISKA BLEVINS | The Selma Times-Journal
Heirs property can be confusing to understand. The Gullah Geechee Group is partnering with several organizations to offer classes on the subject.
Heirs property is land held in common by the descendants of someone who has died without a will or whose estate was never legally probated.
The subject will be explored in a series of two-hour classes in January, April, July, and October. Each of these classes will be on Tuesdays from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. They are free of charge and refreshments will be provided.
Callie Nelson, Dallas County Extension coordinator, said knowing about heirs property is important.
“A lot of people don’t understand that they may go and build a home on a property, and they don’t really own the land,” Nelson said.
Nelson said heirs property laws can lead to confusion and tension within families over property ownership.
The classes are to teach the community about the property they may own and how to go about legally claiming it, Sherry A. Suttles, president of the Gullah Geechee Group, Inc., said.
“The main benefit of our seminars is just going to be to tell people they are landowners or they might be … A lot of people don’t know they’re landowners, they don’t know where the land is, or how valuable it is,” Suttles said. “We want folks to come away with the skill sets where they can try to bring the family together to make decisions.”
For more information on heirs property or to RSVP for a seminar contact Sherry Suttles at (334) 553-7202 or