Bad weather may or may not hit Dallas County, but the time to plan is now — just in case
Published 10:33 pm Monday, April 3, 2017
We have no idea what the weather is going to do on Wednesday. At this point, it’s just too early to know whether there will be a major threat of severe storms or whether it’ll be a day like Monday, where there was rightfully a lot of concern about a line of storms that thankfully didn’t produce any tornadoes in Alabama.
We think we can all agree that option two — the one without any tornadic activity — would be the more desirable. However, we’ll leave predicting the weather up to the experts. Right now, all we know is there is the possibility of large hail, damaging winds and tornadoes Wednesday, and that’s all we need to hear.
It’s best to get prepared now, just in case.
The National Weather Service in Birmingham updates its website ( frequently, especially when severe weather is incoming. That’s the best place to look for the latest forecasts leading into Wednesday (or any time). The National Weather Service Facebook page also has frequent updates, including watches and warnings.
Whether you prefer the old fashion website or the social media pages, the most important thing is to look often. Weather can be unpredictable so the information changes often.
Sunday is a good example. On Sunday afternoon, Monday’s weather was projected to arrive from 9 a.m. to noon, but by late Sunday night, the forecast had been updated to 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. That’s a big difference given that many people would still be asleep at 5 a.m. and may not hear severe weather without a weather radio nearby.
Wednesday’s weather situation is still up in the air at the time of this writing, but storms are projected to arrive between 3 a.m. and 3 p.m. If the storms do arrive in the wee hours of the morning, it’s important to have a weather radio – or a phone application — that will wake you up if a tornado warning is called for Dallas County.
Since Wednesday’s paper is arriving early, this newspaper might be the last one many see before the storms move in and like we said, there’s a lot of unknown this far out from the weather event. We’ll post updates on our website and Facebook page, so we encourage anyone looking for information to go there. If there happen to be any closures, we’ll post the updates there.
Last but not least, we encourage you to talk to your family now about a plan in the case of severe weather. It may seem silly to do it now, but if a storm does hit here locally, it could save your life or someone in your family’s life. At the very least, it’ll be an easy way to ensure everyone is OK.