YMCA prepares for influx of people with health, weight loss goals

Published 9:04 pm Tuesday, December 27, 2016

With the new year quickly approaching, people are coming up with some new year’s resolutions, and many include getting into the gym and losing weight.

The YMCA of Selma and Dallas County is expecting a large number of people signing up come Jan. 1, and their staff is ready and available for the influx.

Haley Burton, wellness coach at the YMCA and Darion Alexander, personal trainer for the YMCA, said they are excited for the new year and new resolutions and are ready to help people reach their goals of becoming healthier, both mentally and physically.

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“What we’re really trying at the YMCA … is new year, new you,” Burton said. “We’re going to be committed. We’re going to have new classes, we’re going to have new programs, we’re going to do new everything just to keep people interested and keep people committed.”

To keep people’s interest peaked, Alexander said he tries to change things up and keep it interesting so they never get tired of the classes.

“The main thing I try to do is keep it fun during personal training because a lot of time they get bored doing the same thing,” Alexander said. “I try to keep them excited and motivated by changing it up and keeping it fun.”

Alexander said his new year’s resolution is to keep the people that sign up in January, coming back throughout the year.

“My main goal is to get more members in and keep them throughout the year, … and to help them reach their goals,” Alexander said.

Burton said her resolution is to reach out into the community more and get more people involved in the YMCA.

“For the new year, I’m really hoping that we get our hands more in the community. We are here for anyone,” Burton said. “Our classes are a community. Being in that community means you have that accountability with your friends that you’ve made. So with this community, if you really get involved in it, you’re going to stay motivated.”

The YMCA will be offering some new classes in the new year, like belly dance fitness and a bar class. On Jan. 28, the YMCA will have a New Year New You open  house for members and non-members to go and check out what they have going on, as well as offering 30 minute introduction classes throughout the day so people can see what they might be interested in.

“We have a variety of things you can do from yoga to circuit training, … so you’re never going to get bored if you’re a member at the Y,” Burton said.