Commission moves polling place to YMCA
Published 8:26 pm Tuesday, October 18, 2016
By Alaina Denean Deshazo | The Selma Times-Journal
Voters that normally vote at the Cahaba Road Fire Station will now be voting at the YMCA, according to Dallas County Commission attorney John W. Kelly III.
During a meeting held Sept. 26, the commission voted to move the location for the Nov. 8 general election and all future elections.
“The move was made because the Dallas County Commission was concerned about safety risks due to the lack of parking spaces at the Cahaba Road Fire Station, leading to very congested parking around Cahaba Road,” Kelly said in a letter to the Times-Journal.
Dallas County Probate Judge Kim Ballard agreed that it was too much of a risk for voters to continue voting at the fire station with the lack of parking and people being forced to park on the street, saying he had seen a few near misses in previous years.
The election is set to be held Nov. 8 and will include the race for United States President and U.S. Senator, along with uncontested offices for United States Representative for the 7th Congressional District, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Place No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3, Public Service Commission President, State Board of Education District No. 5, Circuit Court Judge in the 4th Judicial Circuit, place No. 2 and No. 3, District Attorney in the 4th Judicial Circuit, Dallas County District Court Judge, Dallas County Commission District No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4, Dallas County Board of Education District No. 1 and No. 4, Dallas County Constable for seven different precincts and 14 Amendments to the Constitution of Alabama.
Bobby H. Willis, a voting registrar at the Dallas County Board of Registrars, said the last day to register to vote in the November election is Oct. 24.
“All they need to do is come up here and fill out the form,” Willis said. “It’s very easy, it’s just a one page form.”
Anyone registering to vote will need to provide their name, birthday, address, birthplace, signature and the date that the form is filled out.
Willis said currently there are around 30,000 registered voters in Dallas County, and he doesn’t expect many more people to register before the election.
“It was real busy before the mayor’s race, but it hasn’t been that busy since,” Willis said.
Willis said people are still coming in regularly to get their Voter ID card, and anyone needing to do so will need to bring some form of identification which includes their name and birthday, such as a birth certificate or a Medicaid card. For more information about registering or voter identification, call the Registrars office at 877-2700.