Churches join together for luncheon
Published 10:43 pm Monday, March 21, 2016

First Baptist Church of Selma hosted the first Holy Week sermon and luncheon on Monday. — Emily Enfinger
Several Selma churches are coming together this week to continue an annual tradition of Holy Week services.
“Holy Week is a tradition that goes back almost 40 years in downtown Selma where the downtown churches get together and they meet at each church one day a week and celebrate,” said First Baptist Church pastor Dr. Jerry Light.
Holy Week reflects on Jesus’ journey to the cross on Good Friday and resurrection on Easter.
“I think it’s a powerful witness to come together as a community of churches,” said St. Paul’s rector, the Rev. Jack Alvey.
The week began with service and lunch at First Baptist Church of Selma on Monday. Cornerstone Presbyterian will be hosting on Tuesday, Church Street United Methodist Church on Wednesday, Our Lady Queen of Peace on Thursday and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church on Friday.
Each service starts at noon and concludes with fellowship and luncheon. Friday’s service at St. Paul’s will not have a luncheon in recognition of Good Friday, a day of fasting.
“So many of the churches are connected through families and generations. It’s a great time for fellowship,” Light said. “This is a special time for us, and we enjoy it.”
Andrea Cross of Our Lady Queen of Peace Parrish has participated in Holy Week group services for as long as she can remember.
“We have done this for many years and it continues to grow,” Cross said.
Cross said the churches will do something different for its service. She said during Thursday’s service Our Lady Queen of Peace will observe Maundy Thursday with washing of the feet.
“I talked about the death of Christ and how that impacts us and how we should understand the importance of that for all of us,” Light said. “He lived his life perfect but he also died so we wouldn’t have to.”