Being able to forgive doesn’t imply weakness

Published 10:52 pm Wednesday, February 10, 2016

We must optimize the power of forgiveness. This verity is applicable to everybody, but this piece targets those assigned to help students and children become better people; those that help to protect public health, and all community leaders.

Forgiveness does not imply that you are indecisive, weak or wishy-washy. Forgiveness, after all, does not deny people the responsibility for doing us wrong; neither does it reduce the offence or make the wrong right. Rather, it is a leadership aptitude that enhances group or personal growth.

It’s a business and personal decision that helps organizations or you not to lose focus of things that are more important. It’s an utter abandonment of negative feelings of vengefulness and giving God total control.

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It’s realizing that your destiny is in God’s hands.It’s comprehending that wrong done to you is unlikely to stop you from becoming what you’ve been programmed to become.

If you hold tight to unforgiveness you are likely to take retrogressive actions where or when you’re supposed to be progressive; or be reactive when you should be proactive.

All through the ordeal our school system went through, up until today, I still could not find a loser or the vanquished. Some people thought it was an all drawn out contest to determine winners, powerfuls, and losers.

From my perspective, I consider it a divinely orchestrated move that made us better. The winner or victor is the child that will grow up and be grateful to proper education; that student that could have dropped out of school but graduated or looking forward to graduate; that student and family that are happy because a family member is well prepared for college and work place challenges. Furthermore, the victor, in my opinion, is that part of Selma community that grasped that the school is the microcosm of the entire city; that what goes on in the school directly affects the city’s growth, deterioration, and safety.

When we look beyond wrongs done or address it properly, we position ourselves like the biblical Joseph whose brothers got envious and sold to slavery.

He spent years in Egypt without letting anger and hatred direct his footsteps, but reasonably focused on his God and developing his gifts.

Worthy of learning here is the fact that his gift continued to make ways for him until he became second-in-command over Egypt. So put all your gifts to work, even, without monetary gains.

Joseph became so powerful that his brothers came before him for help.

Instead of resorting to fracas, he compassionately said, “Don’t be afraid of me. Am I God that I can punish you? You intended to harm me, but God intended all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. No, don’t be afraid. I will continue to take care of you and your children.”

I believe God put us in these positions to help people; that’s my conviction and I’m sticking to it. Continue to treat others right in work places, in schools, in churches, in volunteer positions, in hobbies, in the entire community and care less about those who have done you wrong because they may be part of the plan for your superstardom.