Sand Bar will be torn down

Published 11:47 pm Tuesday, January 26, 2016

By Justin Averette | The Selma Times-Journal

The city of Selma voted Tuesday to allow Sand Bar Restaurant owner David Pearce to tear down the current building and continue negotiations on a long-term lease.

Pearce has plans to rebuild the restaurant, which was flooded the week between in Christmas and New Year’s Day. He estimates the new building will cost around $300,000, and he wants a long-term lease to recoup his investment

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Under the lease being discussed, Pearce will be forgiven rent in lieu of his initial investment.

He told the council it would be similar to prepaying 30 years rent.

“If I make profits on it, that’s good for everyone. If I don’t, that’s still good for the city,” Pearce said.

The council voted to allow Pearce to go ahead and tear down the current building and allow City Attorney Jimmy Nunn and Mayor George Evans to negotiate the lease.

The issue would still have to come back before the council for final approval.

Pearce wants to rebuild the Sand Bar on higher ground, in part of the marina’s parking lot.