Resolution shows support for Charleston
Published 11:19 pm Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Support for Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C. after a tragic shooting took nine lives continues to be shown in Selma and Dallas County.
The Dallas County Commission signed a resolution during its Monday meeting showing their support for Charleston and the families of the victims.
“The citizens of Dallas County wish to raise their voices and stand in support of the members of the Emanuel AME Church, the families of those who were slain, and the citizens of Charleston, S.C.,” the resolution states.
“The Dallas County Commission on behalf of its citizens of Dallas County do hereby extend their most sincere condolences to the members of Emanuel AME Church and the families of those who were senselessly slain, and do strongly condemn the mind-set of racial hatred that produced this heinous act and earnestly pray for healing of all those affected by this tragedy.”
Commission Chairman and Probate Judge Kim Ballard said the resolution came about after the commission wanted to show support for Emanuel AME Church.
“We wanted to show that unanimously that we don’t support hate crimes that take place. We wanted to show that we certainly don’t feel that way, and the general public doesn’t,” Ballard said.
“We talked about a way we could be in support of what [Emanuel] does, and I think the church is handling it beautifully. They are in a spirit of forgiveness, and we were of the same mind.”
While the people in Charleston may never see the resolution, Ballard said it was a way to show people in Dallas County that they do not condone the tragic event that was allegedly done to start a war between races.
“Except for the grace of God, that could happen here, and Heaven forbid it does,” Ballard said. “We’ve got some state officials calling to go to church packing guns, and that doesn’t speak well of our society.”
The shooting took place one week ago during a bible study at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C. Dylann Roof, 21, allegedly opened fire during the study and killed nine people. Roof was arrested in North Carolina the next day after he led authorities on a manhunt.
“The citizens of Dallas County were shocked to learn of the senseless murder of nine members of Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C., by the horrific and cowardly act of a hate-filled and depraved person,” the resolution states.
“The citizens of Dallas County, Alabama, who have themselves been engaged for so long in the struggle for the civil rights of all people, mourn those who have lost their lives and empathize with the family, friends and community members who have suffered this senseless tragedy.”
The Dallas County Commission, along with churches in Selma and Dallas County, have shown support for the victims and their families.
A vigil was held at Brown Chapel AME Church last Friday.