Writer to speak at library next week
Published 10:38 pm Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Library director Becky Nichols reads “Wils Sweet Orange Ride” by Julia Gregg, who will be the featured author at the Library’s April 9 Lunch at the Library.
April is here, and with each new month comes a new author for the Selma-Dallas County Public Library’s Lunch at the Library.
On Thursday, April 9 at 12 p.m., the library will feature Julia Gregg, author of “Wild Sweet Orange Ride.”
“We’re very excited to have Julia. Her book is very thought provoking and very timely because it tells some of her remembrance of the South and some of the things we have celebrated with the past Jubilee celebration here,” said Becky Nichols, library director.
Gregg is a columnist for the Evansville Courier and Press, a writer, teacher and founding member of Signature Consulting and a founding member of Signature School. She has a bachelor’s of science from Auburn University, a master’s from Vanderbilt Peabody College and a MFA from Murray State University.
“She writes in a very thoughtful style,” Nichols said. “We’re excited to have her visit Alabama as a part of this and to select the Selma Library as one of her stops.”
Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage with the author at the luncheon.
“I think authors are very interesting when you can listen to them first-hand. You can ask questions … and I think in the process we all begin to realize the fabulous stories that lie within us all,” Nichols said.
“I think meeting an author live just makes us aware that we ourselves have got great stories to tell.”
Lunch will be served at 12 p.m., and the program begins at 12:30 p.m.
“We invite everyone downtown to enjoy a wonderful meal and good fellowship,” Nichols said. “We look forward to having Julia at the library and also welcome Nancy Anderson, chair of the English Department at [Auburn University Montgomery], who will introduce our author. Nancy is a great library friend to many, and we always enjoy having her home to the library.”
Tickets for the lunch event are $8, and reservations may be made by calling the library at (334) 874-1725.