Walton Theater holding reopening Friday

Published 10:27 pm Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Walton Theater will reopen its doors Friday, once again giving Selmians a place right in town to go see a movie on the weekends.

The first movie to be shown will be Insurgent and it will be on the big screen the entire weekend. Our hope is that moviegoers will pack the theater this weekend in a show of support for non-profit organization, All Things Are Possible, that is leasing the building and has managed to reopen its doors.

We haven’t found anyone that doesn’t want the Walton Theater to succeed. Everybody loves going to the movies, so that’s not surprising, but lack of support was one of the reasons the theater was forced to close its doors.

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The theater received a rush of support in January when the movie “Selma” was shown for free and we hope that’s a sign of things to come at the theater.

There are so many positives about having a theater right here in Selma. It gives youth somewhere to hang out on the weekends and adults off work a place to grab a movie on a Friday.

It’s also another chance for Selma to throw its collective support behind a local business, something the city is going to have to do if it’s ever going to experience the growth that so many long for.

Our hope is that the Walton Theater is reopening its doors for good but it’s going to take community support for that to be the case. Selma has a second chance at having a movie theater and this time around it’s important that we take advantage of it.