Plane is restored at Memorial Stadium

Published 11:00 pm Monday, February 9, 2015

The T-33 plane that sits in front of Memorial Stadium has been restored, thanks to some fantastic work by Kass Aviation. The plane was damaged when a tree limb landed on it in September and the canopy was badly damaged and needed to be replaced.

Kass CEO Keith Smith had to order original parts from California to repair the airplane in front of the stadium, and it looks as good as ever. The plane serves as a reminder of the importance of Craig Air Force Base in Selma’s history and the relationship the city had with the base.

The plane not only serves as a monument, but also as a friendly and recognizable landmark to visitors and residents of Selma.

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Nobody understands that more than Elton Reece, director of the Selma Parks and Recreation Department, who worked hard to make sure the plane got repaired as quickly as possible.

“It means a lot to the history of Selma,” Reece said. “I want people to come by and see it’s back and restored. It may bring back a lot of memories.”