Ellwood coach charged with sex act with student

Published 5:11 pm Thursday, February 5, 2015

Ellwood Christian Academy head football coach Eric Dale Martinear, 28, of Selma, has been arrested and charged with engaging in a sex act with a student under the age of 19 and electronic solicitation of a child, according to the Selma Police Department.

Martinear was arrested at approximately 3 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 5, by the SPD Special Victim’s Unit.



Selma detectives received a report from DHR concerning an investigation they were conducting concerning a 17-year-old female being involved in a relationship with the Martinear.

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DHR’s investigation was prompted by school officials, who reported the allegations. According to the Selma PD, the school terminated Martinear on Jan. 22 after the victim’s mother approached school officials about the relationship. The student also provided investigators information about the relationship.

The Selma Police Department began investigating the case on Feb. 3 after receiving DHR’s report. The unit’s investigation found that Martinear allegedly initiated the relationship and that sexual acts occurred in the school and at his residence in Selma, according to Lt. Curtis Muhannad.

Martinear was detained outside of his residence and taken to the Selma Police Department.

He refused to speak with detectives about the case and was arrested on probable cause for school employee engaging in sex act with student under the age of 19 years and electronic solicitation of a child.

Martinear was booked, processed and taken to the Dallas County Jail with a bond totaling $1 million. He was currently out on bond for a 2013 arrest for receiving stolen property, a second-degree felony, which occurred at a local college where he was employed, according to Muhannad. Both charges are Class B felonies. If convicted, Martinear could be facing up to 20 years in prison and $30,000 in fines.

Ellwood headmaster Gary Crum referred questions to the school’s attorney, Patrick Arrington. Attempts to reach Arrington were unsuccessful late Thursday. Crum said Thursday that Martinear has been suspended without pay, but when contacted Tuesday Martinear said he was no longer employed at the school as of Jan. 22.