Hard freeze expected Wednesday night

Published 10:52 pm Monday, January 5, 2015

With a cold front headed this way Wednesday, residents are advised to take steps to prepare for the deep freeze.

“A big front is coming through Wednesday and by Wednesday night into Thursday morning, the low is expected to be about 17 degrees,” said Matt Grantham, a meteorologist for the National Weather Servie in Birmingham. “The high on Thursday we’re expecting about 36 degrees, just getting above freezing.”

Grantham warns residents that low temperatures like these can cause problems around a house.

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“Some of those temperatures down in the teens can cause pipes to burst so you need to cover your faucets outdoors and drip your faucets indoors,” Grantham said. “It will be below freezing for 18 hours.”

Local plumbers say exposed pipes can cause plenty of headaches.

“The wind is a lot of the problem,” said Austin Moore, manager of Plumbing Contractors LLC in Selma. “Any pipes that are exposed to the wind can have problems faster.”

Moore’s advice is the same as Grantham’s — keep faucets dripping when there are freezing temperatures.

“The best thing to do is have people keep their faucets dripping at a steady stream, not just drip,” Moore said. “That tends to help.”

The average temperature for this time of the year is a low around 36 degrees according to Moore.

Grantham said to be sure to look after those most vulnerable to the freezing temperatures.

“Also check on relatives, the elderly and protect your pets,” Grantham said.