Talent show will have another round of auditions
Published 9:12 pm Wednesday, December 3, 2014
By Blake Deshazo
The Selma Times-Journal
The first annual “Selma Starz Talent Show” is in need of more acts.
The talent show is scheduled for Feb. 27 to help commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Bridge Crossing Jubilee and the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Selma.
“We really just wanted to bring the community together to commemorate the anniversaries that are coming up,” said Saprina Simmons, assistant to Selma Mayor George Evans.
With thousands of people scheduled to be here for the anniversaries, it is an opportune time to showcase Selma’s talent.
“This is them showcasing themselves, and showing not only Selma but (also) the world what they have to offer,” said Simmons. “It is important for our youth to get involved because so many times we often forget them, and people kind of overlook them when it comes to talent.”
Due to low turnout during the first round, auditions are being reopened for a second round on Saturday, Dec. 13 at Selma High School.
“Our first auditions didn’t have a great turnout,” Simmons said. “But the kids that did come had fun.”
During the first round of auditions, only seven acts were approved for the talent show. The city would like to bring the total up to 30.
“I’m hoping that this go around the word has gotten out that it’s not boring,” Simmons said. “Just because the city is throwing it, they don’t need to think negative about it.”
The talent show isn’t limited to just singing or dancing. The city is welcoming any kind of talent interested in performing.
“They can sing, they can rap, they can dance, they can play instruments or whatever their talent is,” Simmons said. “We know that there is so much talent out there, so we didn’t want just a few kinds of talents.”
Simmons urges anyone between ages 11 and 21 with any kind of talent to try out for the show at Selma High School next Saturday.
“I don’t want them to be nervous. I want them to come out,” said Simmons. “I want them to experience the fun.”
Simmons promises the show will be unlike anything participants have ever performed in.
“The actual talent show is going to be awesome,” Simmons said. “It’s going to be extravagant. The winner gets to perform during the Jubilee week.”
The sign-up process for the talent show is simple and free. Application forms can be picked up at the mayor’s office or by emailing Saprina Simmons at mayorassistant@selma-al.gov.
Applications are due by Friday Dec. 12. Participants must have a parent present at the audition.
For more information call 349-6703.