Youth choir more than just singing praise

Published 6:44 pm Monday, July 14, 2014

Even in the parking lot, with cars and trucks whizzing by on Broad Street, beautiful music could be heard from Tabernacle Baptist Church Thursday evening.

The sound of an organ, a piano and drum kit could be heard throughout the entire block, all playing in harmony with a group of young voices.

Music plays a role in everyone’s life, whether they realize it or not. Music is everywhere. In the car, at the store, on the TV, in movies and everywhere else.

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Music is a part of the human experience. It is a way to express pure emotion, whether it be love, sadness, joy, anger, or in the case of the Tabernacle Youth Choir, praise.

The group of talented young voices gathered at that one church in Selma did much more than just learn songs for and upcoming Sunday. They showed hard work and dedication. Instead of staying at home or getting into trouble elsewhere, the young people at Tabernacle Baptist Church that night joined together to learn and create.

Their work should not go unrecognized. They have devoted themselves to something greater than an individual. While using their voices in a church setting, they were also making friends and learning about themselves.

The efforts to make this group possible also deserve to be recognized.

Everyone from the choir director to the musicians to the pastor to the church members should be honored for maintaining an environment where young people want to show up at church on a Thursday night and be with their friends and practice to perform on the following Sunday.

The more opportunities young people have to work together, be creative and learn about their individual talents, the more opportunities our area has for a brighter future.