Mid-term races are equally as important

Published 7:12 pm Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Mid-term elections aren’t necessarily as exciting or come with the flare of presidential election years, but the positions are equally important.

This year, ballots will list eight positions that directly represent Dallas County. Some of the most noteworthy positions on the ballot include: Alabama’s 7th U.S. Congressional District, the Alabama House’s 67th District, the Alabama Senate’s 23rd District and Dallas County Sheriff.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention Alabama’s governor position is also up for grabs.

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Sometimes candidates may seem identical. Many of them advocate for the same position on the same issue. Each year, regardless of the city or state issues seem to be the same — jobs, schools, managing money appropriate and growing the community. Some politicians deliver on promises, while others don’t. Regardless, each election season, a bounty of promises are made.

It would be hard to find a candidate who didn’t want a greater availability of well-paying jobs or a top-notch education system.

In today’s political races, differences between candidates are often minute.

Perhaps the most important aspect of a person’s successful candidacy is his or her character.

Small promises may be nice, but there’s more to public office than making people happy.

In certain offices, the success of a particular candidate is determined by the issues that arise during his or her term. Ideas and promises mean little during a crisis.

Voters should do more than simply read about a candidate. Meet candidates in person and learn about his or her character.

Is the candidate from an affluent family or live in poverty as a child?

The answer may not lead you to vote for a particular candidate, but could lead to answers about how the person might behave in office.

Voting is important and Dallas County voters should show up in greater numbers regardless of who is running. Our area played a pivotal role in the voting rights movement. If Dallas County continues to be concerned about basic human rights, such as voting, turnout should be nearly 100 percent.

But showing up is only half of the battle.

Voters should also spent time researching candidates. A truly transparent candidate might even take time to meet with voters in person. Good or bad, a few minutes of research or conversation can reveal a lot about a person.

Relationships should never be the primary reason for a vote.

Voters also shouldn’t shun the midterm elections because flashy positions aren’t on the ballot. Whether it’s your first time or the latest in dozens of years, take time to vote on June 3. The future of Dallas County depends on it.