Selma, Lowndes Interpretive Centers to adjust schedule

Published 6:06 pm Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A staffing shortage has lead the National Park Service to temporarily close the both the Selma Interpretive Center and Lowndes Interpretive Center on Mondays beginning Monday, May 5.

“We are in the process of trying to hire new staff to cover our current levels,” Patricia Butt, public information officer for the National Park Service, said. “And we are going to close on Monday’s to have the smallest impact on our visitors because Monday’s are the lowest visitation days during our weeks.”

Both centers will continue to be open from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, and will reopen on Mondays beginning Monday, July 14. The Tuskegee Institute and Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Sites will also be affected by the changes.

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Butts said the National Park Service is looking to add temporary and seasonal positions at the various parks as well as increase the number of volunteers; something they believe can be done by the middle of July.

“We feel this temporary closure will give us enough time to take care of that,” Butts said. “We were very diligent in setting that July 14 date and will are certain we will be reopened on the 14.”

Theresa Hall, park ranger at the Selma and Lowndes Interpretive Centers — which are both part of the Selma to Montgomery Historic Trail, said there will be two temporary employees hired to work between the two centers; something she said will help her focus on other responsibilities.

“It will be a big help,” Hall said. “Having the extra help would free me up to work on programs and to do some stuff like go out into the schools and the communities to talk about the historic trail.”

Hall said people interested in the temporary positions can find more information at, and volunteers can contact Anthony Bates with NPS at 877-1983.