Motocross events at Yeargan Farms could be huge tourist attraction for Selma, Dallas County
Published 5:53 pm Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Angie Yeargan is beginning to think her schedule is cursed.
This past weekend, Yeargan Farms was supposed to host the second motocross event of the season on their new dirt track, but heavy rain meant the Sunday races were cancelled — just like the previous race had been just weeks before.
“It’s is frustrating but it is out of our control,” Yeargan said. “It wasn’t meant for us to have a race on those days, so maybe the next one won’t be rained out.”
Despite the fact the first two races on the schedule have been cancelled, we all need to take a minute and applaud the hard work Angie and others at Yeargan Farms have done do not only build the new track, but also to attract the attention of the Central Alabama Motocross Series.
The CAMS racing series runs races throughout the spring and summer on dirt tracks all around Alabama — including in West Blocton, Maplesville, Phenix City and Horton — and those races attract drivers from across the country.
When the weather dries out and the dirt track at Yeargan Farms is full of racing action, we will all win.
The money racers and spectators will spend on food, gas and hotel rooms will be a much needed injection into the areas coffers.
Tourism is a huge industry for Selma and Dallas County as throughout the year, tourists flock to Selma to attend the Battle of Selma, the Bridge Crossing Jubilee and other events.
And while the CAMS races at Yeargan Farms aren’t likely to attract the thousands upon thousands who spend a week here for Jubilee, the crowds and races are no laughing matter.
So, while the schedule has not worked out yet, we thank Angie and everyone at Yeargan Farms for their work to attract more visitors — and revenue — to our corner of the map.