Increase in productivity is viable solution

Published 10:37 pm Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The essence of organization and a community’s existence is to prevail and make stakeholders or stockholders happy. If the stakeholders are unhappy, it usually translates to reassessment and reorganization.

Some stakeholders that I know very well, who are involved in our community’s educational and business growth are shrewd people, who easily identify problems when they arise and also have broad perspectives of meaningful solutions.

They must speak as we listen.

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I did a research on productivity that I would like to share with my readers and community. Worthy of note in the piece is the fact that increase in productivity indicates growth, although the increase could be hampered by some factors.

There is a community that wants to succeed but couldn’t because the area is saturated with ‘remote control bullies’ and growth impeders. By this I mean they constantly throw stones — even at peacemakers and excellent spirits — then hide their hands. When they are seen, they grin and sometimes counterfeit a laugh, but their hearts are full of destruction. Most in that community are unhappy and tired of the status quo.

While true progress seems to elude them, they are still waiting patiently for the time that God — the community’s supernatural overseer — will shutdown and power cut the remote control bullies and their schemes.

Another entity of attention is a bone processing industry that utilizes dogs to protect the factory. It’s amazing how a dog could be trained to watch bones, and not eat it, regardless of how hungry the dog is. Bone is the industry’s treasure and some culprits who ate bones were dealt with squarely, immediately, and accordingly. The industry utilizes processed bones for a variety of things like fertilizers, ceramic, polishing compound, sealing mechanism, and etc. Besides protecting treasures, the watch dogs realize that eating factory bones under their watch devalues personal and organizational trustworthiness and competence.

Another entity of interest, in this study, is a restaurant where customers caught a waitress eating from a customer’s plate before serving the food. Before the customers complained, the rumor had lingered for years the waitresses are clique oriented, eating and drinking customers’ food, but upper management never followed up adequately on the rumor.

Since the accusation is no longer a rumor, it may be unwise at this point for the bone factory or restaurant manager or CEO to pretend like all is fine because they do not want their overseers to brand them as under performers who utilize improperly trained dogs and waitresses.

Damage control and cover-ups at this point will continue to do more harm than good. What are needed are corrective and preventive measures from the stakeholders and the overseers.

Even If the overseer takes over the implementation of corrective and preventive measures, the CEO, as empowered, must still explain to the stake holders and the stock holders what reasonable and credible measures that are being put in place.

If convincing measures are in place, the stay of takeover may be short-lived; but if measures put in place by CEO are not workable, effective, and does not lead to productivity increase that is rigidly in accord with the mission statement of the organization, then there’s no telling what the overseers and stake/stock holders may do.