Selma a light, its history sometimes dark
Published 10:31 pm Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Some may have seen the funeral procession ride through town Tuesday with posters displaying phrases written in marker taped to the sides of the hearses, unaware of what they saw.
While some wondered when the talk will stop, when it will die down about Trayvon Martin, the overturning of sections of the Voting Rights Act and event the tragic events that occurred in Selma during 1965, the discussion should live on in Selma and throughout the world until the world is healed. That is, healed from scars that were created from deep hatred and a society that built its economy and social standards upon slavery.
Selma has triumphed over these things but the world has not yet.
Our city needs to remain a symbol and example of a city that has overcome, though a long road still waits ahead for racial equality overall. Those who continue a conversation, not about what is wrong in the world with racial discrimination, but rather those that talk about what can be done to make the world a more equal place for all, should be thanked. Others should join in the Selma celebration, conversation and movement to be the capital of the U.S. in voting rights.
Those who miss out on this do not realize the vast prospects Selma houses in education to the entire world of what it means to come together, fight peacefully and gain equality.
Proudly Selma is also carrying the banner in an effort for Aug. 6 to be named as National Voting Rights Day, a day completely dedicated to honoring those men and women who fought and died throughout the movement — also those who were injured during events in Selma on Bloody Sunday.
Selma has marches and commemorates the signing of the Voting Rights Act passage each year, but the rest of the world does not seem to have the same fervor for the actual act. Perhaps because they do not still have foot soldiers that live in their city and participate in their communities, always reminding us that it took much to gain much and it took courage to stand up to fear.
While certain pieces of our history here are dark, the rest of the world should look to our triumphs as a light — an example — of how to honor voting.