Heavy rains brings heavy danger
Published 10:21 pm Friday, February 15, 2013
While the rain has subsided and the sun made its first debut in days, we still urge residents to practice extreme caution when it comes to flood-producing weather.
According to the Birmingham Weather Service, the Alabama River is 15 feet above normal, producing rapid waters. This high water level means that low-lying areas should especially practice caution. Also, roads in these low-lying areas pose a danger and have the potential to cause serious accidents.
Coosa Jones of the Dallas County Engineers office said although the river is expected to crest Thursday, there’s no way of knowing how long it will take for the water to recede. And according to Jessica Talley, meteorologist for the Birmingham Weather service, driving in high water poses a huge danger.
“Flooding is the number one weather-related fatality,” Talley said. “People think it’s going to be tornadoes and hurricanes, but flooding actually kills more people on average that anything else.”
So, with these cautionary words, we ask that everyone takes special note to stay safe when heavy rains come.