Recent bills deserve more investigation
Published 9:01 pm Monday, February 4, 2013
Anagrams! Anagrams! Anagrams! I know you are asking yourself what is an anagram? It is a word or phrase formed by reordering the letters of the original word or phrase. For example, you can reorder the word dormitory to make “dirty room,” rearrange dictionary into “indicatory,” or restructure desperation to make “a rope ends it.”
When it comes to politics, the whole idea of anagrams can be described as wolves in sheep’s clothing. Much of the legislation introduced in 2012 was quite similar to anagrams. They were attempts to present themselves as something they were not. The sponsors tried to hide the reality of the law once implemented.
The reason why the Republicans continue to use anagrams is because they know that the sheep will run from obvious dangers such as wolves. So the wolf attempts to disguise itself in order to avoid immediate recognition or recognition at all.
At the beginning of the 2013 legislative session, the first anagram has already been revealed. It is clothed under the disguise of school flexibility.
House Bill 84/Senate Bill 54 is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. It is being sold as giving flexibility to improve academic performance and innovation. However, these bills are a direct assault on decades of standards to protect students, classrooms, and the education profession. This attempt will result in the greatest transfer of governmental power and the control of public education from elected officials and the public into the hands of just a few individuals. This is unprecedented.
This bill could end all academic programs currently mandated by state law, including Career Technical Education, ARI, AMSTI and physical education. If the bill is passed as written the following state-legislated rights could be at risk: planning time, classroom supply and money, sick leave, on-the-job injury leave, catastrophic leave, personal leave, sick leave bank, access to your personnel file and posting of job vacancies.
Under this bill local boards can also initiate privatization of: classroom instruction, administration, nursing, custodial services, transportation and nutrition. Last year House and Senate Democrats were able to kill the charter school bill, but the Republican chairman of the House Ways and Means-Education Committee promised us the charter school bill would be brought back.
Well, the wolf can no longer hide in sheep’s clothing. Be sure to stay informed and vigilant just in case the wolf comes knocking at our door. The wolf may even be a familiar friend, but don’t allow them to distort what you know to be true.
Let’s watch out for the wolves. They may look and sound just like sheep, but no matter how hard they try, they’re still a wolf.