Mason is Selma’s first baby of the year
Published 8:25 pm Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Mason Randall Small takes an afternoon nap on top of his mother, Stacey, Wednesday at Vaughan Regional Medial Center. Mason, born Wednesday morning, was the first baby born in Selma in 2013.
A new year rang in just two nights ago. Per usual, New York’s Time Square was abuzz and cities all over the world cheered in 2013 for hope that this year will mean more economic growth and stability, especially those in Europe and the U.S.
Selma’s new year was a little quieter with the exception of a crying baby who arrived Wednesday.
Mason Randall Small was the first baby born in Selma in 2013, born at 8:18 a.m. Wednesday, at Vaughan Regional Medical Center.
Mason was born to Stacey Small of Selma and he is her fifth child.
Shannon Lee, an RN at Vaughan, said Mason beat another baby for the first baby born in 2013 title.
“There was supposed to be a C-section that went before her,” Lee said. “[Small] came in and she was breech and so she actually bumped the girl that was scheduled before her because she was progressing so fast.”
Small welcomed Mason to the world at 7 pounds, 3 ounces and 19 inches long.
“To me he looks a lot like his four-year-old brother,” Small said. “He has a full head of hair.”
Small said she was surprised to learn her newborn was the first-born in Selma in 2013.
“My mother asked the nurse this morning, if there were any babies born yet and she told me he would probably be the new year’s baby,” Small said.
Her other four children, ages 18, 13, 12 and 4, have not yet met their younger brother, but Small said they did help name him.
“My two oldest kids picked out the name,” Small said. “I really liked Dawson but they really wanted Mason.”
His middle name is in honor of a deceased cousin and Small said that name was a last minute, spur of the moment decision.
Mason was due on Jan. 3, and Small was surprised when her water broke.
“I was at my mom’s just trying to relax because I was on bed rest,” Small said. “He came in full-term because his due date was actually [Thursday]. I was having contractions yesterday but I thought it was just the baby pushing and kicking”
The fact that Mason was first in 2013, could indicate he is competitive, but his mother said all she can tell so far that he is a good baby, that he does not cry a lot and he is happy.