Newtown newspaper shares charity fund information

Published 9:47 am Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Below is a letter received by The Selma Times-Journal through the Alabama Press Association from the Newtown (Conn.) Bee, the hometown newspaper serving the Newtown, Conn. community. The letter includes information on a charity fund established for the families of those teachers and students tragically murdered last week.


Dear Newspaper Colleagues,

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I wanted to reach out the first moment I could to many of you, and journalists around the globe, who reached out to us at The Bee to send thoughts, prayers and asking how you can be of help to our community – especially those immediately impacted by the December 14 massacre at Sandy Hook School.

The outpouring of support has been, and continues to be overwhelming. But it has created opportunities for scams and legitimate organizations that are taking pass-through and/or processing expenses before delivering donations being made.

Newtown Savings Bank has assured me through its president and CEO that its survivors fund will be distributing 100 percent of every donation to assure the immediate victims are being cared for – including any expenses related to specialized counselors and responders who need to be brought in and put up in close proximity to Newtown. I will be discussing with them in the near future ideas about how any future surplus from donations can continue to serve victims and especially children affected by this and other similar tragedies.

If any media outlets are inclined, they can drive readers, viewers and listeners to for information on donating to this fund. Having friends of my own who lost children, and many more who were immediate to the incident, I can’t begin to articulate the horror this unwanted event has showered on us, but your thoughts and prayers will make a significant and positive difference.

With deepest appreciation,

John Voket
Associate Editor — The Newtown (Conn.) Bee