School Board would like to talk roads
Published 10:54 pm Thursday, October 11, 2012
A few weeks ago, Selma Mayor George Evans mentioned to members of the Selma City Council he wanted to talk with the Selma City School Board about whether there are any plans to repair the roads around the newly constructed Selma High School.
For months, the city streets around the new high school have taken a beating from heavy trucks, earth-moving equipment and construction vehicles.
“I would absolutely love to meet with the mayor and find out what we might be able to do about the streets around the school,” Selma City School Board president Henry Hicks Sr. said. “The mayor is right about these streets. We have a beautiful school and the streets leading to it are pretty rough.”
During the council meeting, Evans did not say it would be the city’s sole responsibility to have any repairs or resurfacing done. Hicks agreed, saying he wasn’t sure who would take the lead or how the funding would be found.
“Right now, the school construction is right on time and coming in under budget,” Hicks said. “I don’t think we have the flexibility to use any of the construction money for the roads, but we should get together and discuss it.”
As Selma High students are entering their second quarter of their first school year in the new school, construction companies tasked with building the complex are nearing completion.
The mounds — or rather small mountains — of dirt that were in the front and rear of the school are now being removed, used as fill dirt in new parking lot areas.
Hicks also said repairs will be made to the Memorial United Methodist Church parking lot, since the church has “been so kind to let us use their parking lot for so long.”
Hicks was not sure of when he hoped to meet with Evans to begin discussions about the roads.
The roads that have been used the most by construction equipment would be Franklin Street, Memorial Avenue and 6th Avenue.