Johnson named 2012 Miss Central Alabama Fair
Published 11:17 pm Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Jade Johnson, left, is crowed the 2012 Miss Central Alabama Fair pageant winner. -- Andrew Swindle Photography
There are few things more nerve-racking than standing on a stage in front of a crowd of strangers, friends and family members, all waiting for your name to be called out and announce your fate as a top contestant in a pageant.
When that moment finally came for the 13 contestants in the 2012 Miss Central Alabama Fair pageant Tuesday night, seven lucky ladies we’re finally able to take a deep breath.
The top seven contestants were asked tough questions during the interview portion of the pageant and the scores were quickly tallied.
Upon tallying the girls scores however, the judges noticed a mistake had been made. The judges realized that before the interview portion there was a tie, so they announced there would now be a top eight. This meant that six young women who thought they were finished with the pageant, now had a chance to continue in the competition.
“Kacey Barrett,” was the name announced over the sound system, followed by a round of applause from the crowd. Barrett was then asked to answer an interview question before crowning.
The announcer told the contestants there were two special announcements for tonight’s pageant winner.
“Wallace Community College has recognized the Miss Central Alabama Fair pageant as an opportunity to assist extraordinary young women in reaching their goals. They have partnered with the Miss Central Alabama Fair to award a one-year tuition scholarship for attendance at Wallace Community College to tonight’s winner,” he said.
We also have another very special announcement, he added.
“It’s our honor to announce tonight that the Miss Central Alabama Fair pageant is now a preliminary for the Miss Alabama competition and tonight’s winner will be moving on to compete in the Miss Alabama competition in June of 2013,” he said as the crowd cheered in excitement. Neither the crowd nor the contestants were prepared for the news.
Seventeen-year-old, Jade Johnson was crowned Miss Central Alabama Fair and will be competing in the Miss Alabama competition.
“I’m so excited. I can’t believe it,” Johnson said, still shaking. “It was the last thing I was ever expecting. I was scared to death to do this pageant, but my mom convinced me to do it. I’m happy that I did, because now I’m going to Miss Alabama.”
Johnson said she hopes to represent Dallas County well.
Barrett, who was called into the top eight, won the title of first runner-up.
“I heard people whispering that there was a mistake, but I just knew that [another contestant] was going to go up there. I just knew it. But then they called my name,” she said. “I’m in shock. I’m not supposed to have this (sash) on right now. I’m supposed to be congratulating everyone else, but I’m really happy that it happened.”
Katianne Beth Middleton won second runner-up.
Other titles awarded included: Ceileigh Denny as most photogenic and Chelsea Ousley as best interview.