Officials begin fire recovery for Keith band room

Published 11:41 pm Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Members of the Keith High School band take part in the 2010 Concordia College homecoming parade. The band suffered a sigificant setback when a fire torched its band room on July 22. -- File photo

During its meeting on Monday, the Dallas County School Board began moving forward with the restoration of the Keith High School band room.

The Dallas County School Board voted to declare Keith an emergency so it could begin the process of restoring the school’s band room, which, along with instruments, was damaged in an electrical fire on July 22.

School board officials met with the building commission and it was determined that an architect and electrician were needed in order to determine the part of the school containing the band room was still structurally sound before restoration could begin.

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Officials with McKee and Associates Architecture and Interior Design out of Montgomery walked through the school on Monday to give estimates on timetables on how long it would take to restore the band room.

School board officials also discussed setting up a time to walk through with an insurer and determine the damage done to the room, instruments, uniforms and any other items damaged in the fire, as anything lost in the fire will be covered.

While the band routinely used the room for practice, students also took classes in the building.

Officials have already made arrangements for students to take classes elsewhere in the high school once they return from the summer break on Aug. 20 while the room is being restored.